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1. This page provides a fairly detailed description of the organization, units, and equipment of the Wotanberger military. For a graphic summary, click here.
2. Formal unit name is in ALL CAPS, followed in some cases by its abbreviation [AC].
3. For an explanation of abbreviations/acronyms , click here.
4. Unit's English nickname, if any, is in "Quotes", or perhaps "Linked"
5. Unit's special insignia, if any, is available by clicking on Unit Insignia.
6. Units are not listed in order of precedence.

(A/R) With its organic Headquarters and Headquarters Coy and Combat Support Coy, the WEB can, without reinforcement, provide C³ (Command, Control and Communications) to a bn=- expeditionary force; with limited reinforcement it can do so for an expeditionary bde=.

Currently, it is carrying out peace-keeping operations in the Republic of the Marivellas, exercising operational command over 1 Plt ,'B' (Irish) Coy of Foot, STOF; 1 Plt, "A" Coy, The Grand Duke's Own Foot, GDF; Prince Cameron's Own (Para-) Schützen, The Weselsteiner Schützen, GDF; and 1Tp, Prince Brendan's Own Horse, GDH; as well as one platoon from the Seiber Rifles and a troop of the Kifaru Regiment, In this operation, the WEB has been placed under the command of Tarafu's famous Gagaj (Chief) and Taki (Military Leader) Tali Urulu II, who is also commanding elements of both the Seiber Squadron and the Seiber Flotilla.

As reflected in its current deployment to the Republic of the Marivellas, the WEB is organized, equipped, and trained to provide command and control for joint operations carried out by the armed forces of the three members of the Wotanberger Commonwealth.

Para-military units of the Order of St. Hubert can also attached for peace-keeping (and other humanitarian) operations.

The WEB is named in honor of HGDH Charlotte (b. 1896 d. 1984) who encouraged the Grand Duchy's participation in humanitarian and peacekeeping operations.